Wednesday 7 July 2010


I bumped into Tanaka-Sensei (Supervisor/last term's 2nd Language Acquisition lecturer) today.

Apparently she's a fan of Korean Hip-hop/pop. She rather out-of-the-blue suggested I go listen to G-Dragon (From BIGBANG)

There's a youtube link.

So, while she doesn't buy me beer like Ogasawara-Sensei used to...

I'm sort of lost on what to do now that Sophie's gone (for another 3 weeks traveling around China...) and the JLPT test's over. Studying was pretty much my life for a month and a half... I don't really know what to do anymore. That said, my Kanji reading has gotten so much better now I'm kinda just carrying on... The day after the exam I went out and bought a new textbook...

I've kinda come to realise that in terms of learning a language, it really is more or less just the number of hours of study that count... the more you have the better you are...

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