Wednesday 7 July 2010

JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)

So, it finally came around... rather unfortunately for me it wasn`t a week earlier, in which case I could have got it over and done with and freely enjoyed Sophie's visit.

It was harder than I expected to be honest, somewhat worried that I may have failed on account of the vocabulary section...

Me and about 5-6 other Kobe University students took it over in Nishinomiya at Kwansei Gakuin University (Which a) has a really nice campus, and b) can't spell its name properly in ANY language, the Japanese name is 関西学院大学, which should really be read as "Kansai" but they call it Kansei for some reason). Incidentally, the people doing level 1 (I did level 2) got to do it in good old Kobe University... Anyway...

Having never actually been to Nishinomiya before we were a bit worried about finding the place... the enormous line of people speaking Chinese and Korean kinda helped...

They all stared at us :-( I will not print Marc's (hilariously non-PC) retort...

This years test was different from before. By that I mean harder. One change was they separated the marking into 3 sections (Vocabulary/ Kanji/ Grammar, Reading and Listening), which you have to pass minimum scores separately as well as an overall score (Stops deaf Chinese people cheating). On the other hand, I read somewhere (I'm not entirely sure if this is right) that the scores were 50/60 for Vocab/ Kanji etc, 30/60 for reading and 40/60 for listening...

Just to emphasise that, you are allowed to get HALF the reading section wrong but only make 10 mistakes in the first section...

I'm not entirely sure that it's accurate, though on the other hand given that "Can you read a page of text and understand what it means" is a much more practical, useful ability to have than "Do you know what
風俗 means", I would fully expect any average person employed in Japanese-language education to value the latter more hightly...

Anyway, I get the results in September...

1 comment:

  1. Actually, turns out the pass marks were all 19/60 for each section...
