Saturday 5 June 2010

Escaping Tokyo

So, after being hit on by some random 45-year-old Japanese guy in a sombrero in Yohji Yamamoto in Ginza I headed back to Tokyo Station to catch my Shinkansen back to Kobe.

I'm sure I mentioned this when I first arrived here, but you can get pretty much anything served with ice here. It wasn't until this point that I discovered this extended to cream-cheese bagels...

Me: "Oh, can I have one of those little cream-cheese pots as well please?"

Bagel shop girl: "Yea sure. Would you like ice with that?"

Me: "Er, did you say ICE, as in, like, ice ice? Like, glaciers and stuff? What on earth would I need ice for?"

At this point she decides that the reason I'm struggling to get my head around this question is that I don't understand Japanese (Never mind the fact I just dropped about 2 other synonyms for "ice" not to mention "glacier" into the conversation...)...

Anyway, turns out you can get a little bag of ice to keep your cream-cheese cool if you're saving your bagel for later!

I also accidentally left the little bag of deodorant I'd just bought earlier lying on the counter, so they handed it into lost property. Anyway, I got there about 7 minutes before my train left, and very hurriedly described the exact brand of deodorant, that the receipt was in the bag and where and when I had bought it.

Security guards response: "Ah yes, we have it here. Please sign here, fill out these two forms and could we please have your passport to copy?" WTF...

Anyway, I made it to my train (just).

Sadly no nice beer-buying business man this time :-(

Arrived back in Kobe and was rather (stupidly) surprised to hear everyone speaking Kansai-ben... And I also forgot which side of the escalators we stand on here...

Oh, and I really wanna go back :-) Tokyo's cool.

That said, I REALLY think that it would be pretty difficult to handle if you'd never been to Japan before...

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