Sunday 8 November 2009

More Crazy Shop Assistants

Last week (particularly on Culture Day when we went to Nara) it became pretty cold here, so seeing as I only really brought a few little jacket things here with me I went out to buy a nice big winter coat. Only now this crazy country`s weather has the indecency to turn hot again! For F*cks sake! It`s frikkin Mid-November already! That`s not even the worst bit though, no, it`s not hot all the time, just when the Sun is out. As soon as it goes down the temperature plummets, so you effectively have to wear a T-shirt into Uni then drag around a jumper, jacket and scarf for later in the day...

Speaking of scarves, I found one I liked while I was out looking for the coat, and mentioned I quite liked it to one of the shop assistants. Immediately she starts profusely apologising to me that it`s out of stock and shouts over to a co-worker for some help and starts calling the Osaka branch to check if they have it, which they don`t. Before I can stop them they`ve ordered me one from the Tokyo flagship store! It`s lucky I actually don`t mind buying it... Seriously, if anyone comes to visit here, BE CAREFUL while out shopping. Expressing ANY interest in something, or heavens forbid trying anything on is effectively the same as signing a contract in blood to buy it. Anyway, now I`m waiting for them to call me tomorrow to sort out when I pick it up...

Oh, and I did my first actual proper homework piece for my class! (I had 4 Japanese friends check it over to make it readable) It was for Second Language Acquisition studies, and was about someone who didn`t learn language as she was growing up and therefore had to be taught it as a teenager. Except that would make it her First Language, so what we`re supposed to care about that I didn`t quite get...

P.S. Is anybody else watching Spooks series 8? I`m using the Library`s computers to keep up...

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    It seems we're having the opposite problem... the shop assistants here are SO rude! They never smile or even look at you, they don't give a toss and never ever say please or thank you. I went into a Corte Inglés (i.e. posh Spanish department store) supermarket and almost had a heart attack when the guy at the till was actually, physically NICE!! I am gonna fookin love that Japanese customer service ^_^

    Hope you're enjoying yourself, Thomas Arnot!! :D
    Louise xxx
