Thursday 5 November 2009

Just a quicky

I went to Nara the other day! Wow, so cool! Nara is sort of famous for a) having loads of really pretty temples which were build about 1000 years ago (then rebuilt about 5 times because they kept getting burned down) and for being totally over-run with deer. I`m not making that up. Literally, you go into the park and there are just deer everywhere, and they all are perfectly happy to wander up to you and let you pet them. Some of them have also learned to bow back to you if you do it to them... Mind you, the superficial little buggers will only do something interesting if you give them food. If they realise you don`t have any for them they just wander off...

Anyway, this mornings funny happening: One of the exchange students turned up late for class and said: "The train was late", then realising that this was a completely implausable excuse (Late trains, in Japan? Is that a joke?) added: "Miraculously" to the end of it. The teacher, who spent time in America responds in English with "And the dog ate your homework?"...

And this weekend I will, really will, manage to make it to Osaka...

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