Monday 20 September 2010

Last few days in Japan. Part 1

So, I'm here in Hong Kong Airport again (Ironically about 2 gates down from where I wrote that post almost a year ago to the day last time I was here...), and as I promised here's the beginning of the "dignified" ending to my blog.... sob sob.

So I had a lot of goodbyes... the fun ones; Tanaka Sensei, who told me some HILARIOUS stories but swore me to secrecy about them (By the way, she still loves you Mark). All I'll say is apparently she went to Korea. And seems to have G-Dragon bought a Bentley... Pei, who is better at choosing cake than I am. Nanami and Yuusuke and the sheep up at Mount Rokko Farm (which is pretty much exactly like Nara-Park except with Sheep instead of deer...),

Yuuko. There aren't many people I will voluntarily got to Himeji for... Next time: Seoul! (with Eunbee)

The goodbyes I didn't actually get to properly make: Ryoko, Mikuru and a couple of others.

And the really really hard ones :-( Tsukasa, Ryota, Mayuko, Yoo and Takeo...

Oh, and special thanks to Ga and Ryuuka for helping me pack and taking all my stuff so I didn't need to throw ABSOLUTELY everything out :-) And particularly Ryota and Reiko for coming all the way out to Kansai Airport at 7am to see me off :-)

Rather ironically while I was on the phone arranging to have my electricity disconnected I had a final "I have absolutely NO idea what you just said" moment...

I've been in Japan almost exactly one year to the day, and I have to say staying on this extra month and a half was a great decision, these last few weeks really have been amazing.

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