Monday 13 September 2010

I seem to be leaving :-(

First things first, the good news. I sort of thought that I'd only just passed the JLPT test but turns out I'd got the pass mark wrong and I actually did pretty respectably :-)

So yea, it kinda hit me the other night somewhat predictably while I was picking out onigiri in a Konbini (Convinience Store). I'm leaving next week... as in like, leaving leaving. As in end of year abroad...

On an unrelated note I feel the need for a disclaimer:

Mayuko and Ryota's recent English-vocabulary additions have absolutely nothing to do with me. I have absolutely not been teaching them naughty words. 100% True. And by true, I mean false. To be fair they asked. Sort of.

Anyway, to be honest, I've sort of been (fairly justifiably) more concerned with enjoying these last few days here to the max rather than writing about it here... I'll write something while I'm sitting around Hong Kong airport on the way back...

Oh, and packing is a bitch.

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