Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Trip, part 1

Well, I made it through Heathrow, where Mum decided she'd make things as embarrassing as possible and kept hauling over random strangers to take pictures of us before I left. Also decided that from now on I am going to avoid Heathrow like the plague, did not like it one bit.

Flight down here to Hong Kong (Where I'm writing this at the moment, last flight to Osaka leaves in 3 hours yay!) with Cathay Pacific was fine, was having a nice chat with some random Australian woman as one does until some random guy (wearing a fake Prada shirt) sat down between us and promptly killed the conversation for the next 11.5 hours. Watched Star Trek, Iron Man, Terminator Salvation and a bit of an episode of Mad Men, as well as some weird Japanese tv show about restaurants in Kyoto, which mostly consisted of this woman screaming "Oishii!!!!" (Tasty) though the headphones for an hour, so it wasn't too bad. Food.. hmmm, well, I've now ended up having Omlette for breakfast (courtesy of British Airways) and Dinner/Breakfast just before we got to Hong Kong (It's 7am here at the moment, but we left at 1200 UK time, so we had Lunch just after leaving and then Breakfast just before arriving.) . I didn't have to have Omlette but I wasn't really in the mood for Seafood Congee (fish porridge incase you didn't know), that and I figure I was allowed a last western breakfast for a while

This leads me on to another point. If this is all starting to seem a little bit rambling, it may have something to do with the fact that I have had practically no sleep for the past 48 hours :-( This is of course not a situation aided by the fact that my night has entirely disappeared due to the Far East's +8 hour time difference. Just to add insult to injury, I'll be photographed when I arrive at Japanese Immigration when I get to Osaka in err... (looks at very nice new watch) 7 hours (add another hour of time difference as well) . This is not a picture I'm looking forward to having on permanent file with the Japanese government.

Oh, and I'm currently phone-less (even if you were willing to pay for the international call), so don't bother calling my old number.

Right, I think I'll go and find some food....


  1. That's not a 'weird Japanese tv show'. That ALL there is on TV here! ;.;

    Japanese TV's commentary of everything from food to economic downturn can be summed up with the words 'oishii!' and 'kawaii!'.

  2. Started a blog hey? I was thinking about doing that when I have chance - easier than sending out millions of emails to people lol.
    So I'm guessing you have arrived now? I got into Tokyo on Tuesday...

  3. Mom was NOT EMBARASSING. I have i on very good authority (mom's ) that she was quite restrained - so therre !!

    and it was only one total stranger hauled over top photo us anyway!
    xx mom
