Monday 28 September 2009

My new cunning plan

There's been a small technical hitch with my magic sunglasses: The Weather. When I first arrived it was bright sunshine and hot and sticky, but for the past few day's it's become quite cloudy, though just a little bit cooler. So now, I'm stuck with the choice of having everyone stare at me/ ignore me because I'm obviously a foreigner, or just having everyone staring at me because I'm the only one wearing sunglasses in the rain (or inside for that matter)... I can't win :-(

I've also been pretending to be German to stop people from constantly speaking to me in unintelligible English. Only problem with this is I occasionally have to explain my way out of "forgetting" words in my "native" language... (I did try to use the excuse that I had lived in the UK for a long time, but then they of course realised that this meant I understood English. I've also had to bluff my way through a conversations with a restaurant keepers about German football teams and beer...)

Speaking of foreign stuff, there were loads of Russians here yesterday for some reason. And today, I was walking in Motomachi and saw about 5 foreigners in about 2 mins! What's up with that? Get lost people! I'm the only gaijin in this village! Get you're own!

This afternoon I was up in Kitano, a bit lost looking for the Ichinomiya shrine, and so I checked the a roadside map. While I was doing so, a random American woman was walking by and asked (In English) "What ya lookin for? Maybe I can help ya?"(I guess she lives here), so I replied in Japanese, which she just ignored. I said again in English that I was looking for the shrine, to which she replied "Oh, sorry, I just ignore all the shrines" (And the Japanese language it seems)

Oh, and I found the source of all the Gucci bags, turns out there is a store here, (Incidentally, someone should tell Gucci about this as well, it's not on their website. It's next to Yves Saint Laurent in case you were interested.). Apparently there is a Comme de Garcons here as well, or so I was told by a shop assistant in Hankyu Department store (Hankyu also run half the trains in Kobe for some reason), but I'm still looking for that :-(

Oh, and I was the only one in a noodle restaurant for lunch this afternoon so the owners and I had a nice little chat about stuff :-) The man was particularly interested about Europe, though only because there are blonde girls there lol

Oh, and another run in with Japanese primary/high school kids, who are quickly becoming a mortal foe. This time I was walking behind a bunch of them, who, as soon as they saw me, literally RAN to the side of the pavement to get out of my way...

Oh, and I'm still working on a solution to the evil "No Irasshaimase for you" shop assistants (met another one in Urban Research in Sannomiya). I'm sort of tempted to either say お客様は神様だよ ("The honoured customer is a god in case you've forgotten", 'The honoured customer is a god' is a sort of catchphrase for how to treat customers) or maybe something like お前!「いらっしゃいませ」 といお! which is something along the lines of "Oi, you! Say it goddamit!, but I think that might be a little undiplomatic, so I'm going to ask Mayuko-san for some advice (we're meeting for kaitenzushi (sushi-go-round) this evening :-))

P.S Does anybody have any idea why Japanese TV has Japanese subtitles?


  1. I've never had school children run away at the sight of me. Maybe it's just you. (:

    The shop assistants always say いらっしゃいませ! to me too. Sometimes when I'm looking for something and I really don't know where it is, the same assistant will say it to me again every time I pass by, which makes me feel stupid. =[

  2. Hi Thomas ,

    Re japanese tv having japanese sub-titles - spoken japanese is imcomprehensible even to the japanese ? apparently spoken danish is incomprehensible to the danes too?

    Any way you have identified -surely!! by now all the Gucci and other expensive shops , shrines by the dozen, and not even one single comment about a garden!! You are in japan . surely you have come acros one ! Come on, indulge your mom in this !.

    New technology , wonder how my signature will show up

  3. i love this kids here! i find they all try and talk to me asking where i am from and my name and how old i am and they always want to touch mine and my friends hair (which is medieval england curls)

    also they are really into their brands everywhere, in the shopping centre near me theres a comme des garcons a miu miu a little chanel emprorium, yves saint laurent a pinky and duke as well as a chain store which sells their bags at a "discount"

  4. I love your posts, keep them coming! I'm trying to keep up with your adventures :D
    Speak soon
