Saturday 7 August 2010

徳島 Tokushima

So I actually made it off Honshu Island for once lol.

About 15 of us (mix of Japanese and foreign students) took a little trip down to Kaifu at the very bottom of Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku for a few days. In other words, pretty much the middle of nowhere. Was really fun! Got some rather itchy sunburn on my back though...

Oh, and I had NO idea what on earth anyone was saying there... Mind you, apparently neither did the Japanese lol... Where's Taichi when you need him... (In Birmingham actually).

Also, Louise arrived! She's here for 2 weeks for a Japanese language course Kobe University is running. Yay! (Judging by how everyone says the classes are "really fun", I think they must be getting different classes from the ones we did. :-P) . Oh, and I think I might be successfully converting here to the obviously far superior Kansai version of Japanese :-)

Speaking of Japanese, I heard this random foreign woman in a bar speaking Japanese (I think they were the Kobe JETs). She obviously new the language very well (better than me) but it was a little bit weird in that she didn't seem to know how to use it. By that I mean when she told us someone else was using the seats we tried to sit in, she told us exactly that, which is fine in English but came across as a bit rude in Japanese... I just thought that was interesting.

Oh, and I got my nose felt up by the waitress in a Korean restaurant in Kobe. (Incidentally, Eve, Elena, we're going to need to have a discussion about Kimchi in the fridge...). Literally I was sitting at the table and she came up and was like "Wow, your nose is really big!" And just started feeling it! Wierd... lol

Sad news: Yume and Mark are leaving in a few days :-( Stevie and Marina are already gone :-( sob sob


  1. ?? problems with kimchi in the fridge ?? who is going to be the culprit? have you become an addict .

    am off to the proper british seaside for a few days soon ./ hopefully will not be proper british seaside weather i.e rain !!!

  2. you forgot to mention that the lady who felt your nose up also referred to you as prince charles...
