Monday 8 March 2010

After Thoughts

Hehe, title-pun, geddit?

I know... I might be going a bit blog mad lately. Sorry. If you're still reading all of these, Otsukare-sama ("O honourable tired person". Doesn't translate very well into English...)

So I got some freaky Japanese doll thing for my cousins from a little shop not that far from my halls (In Mikage/Sumiyoshi, basically where people who work in Osaka/Kobe/The Yakuza sleep. No joke about the Yakuza by the way. They keep the neighbourhood very clean.). Anyway, while down there, the shopkeeper randomly surprised me with "Are you a French person?" Eh? No... "Oh, really, you have very French hair..."

So, Anyway...

1 comment:

  1. Anyway!! Aww I'd forgotten you say anyway ^_^ =D And I will have to see your hair again to decide whether it now looks french :P (and I have to see the rest of you too, it's been foreverrrr!!! Only 17 days now until we'll be in the same country!)
