Saturday 20 February 2010


I hereby proclaim that there will be less moaning on this here blog. I have been through a very difficult period of language-class emo-ness over the past few months, but I now believe I have gotten over it. I would like to thank my family, friends and readers for sticking with me through this traumatic time, and in particular Marina for writing irreverent "sux to be you" comments at the bottom of the last never-ending post, and Agata for her long and detailed comment also on the previous article. I hope you will all continue to stand by me and support me through-out my recovery.

I would also like to admit a gross failing on my part, for which I do not feel I have been punished enough for and would like to humbly request the involved parties continue their completely justified persecution of me for the foreseeable future at the very least. The full nature of this most wicked of faslehoods is detailed in all it's gory detail below:

In my last article, I did in fact maliciously and with intent to harm, suggest that Yoo's (陽, for those of you who have been wondering) house was the first "traditional Japanese house" I had most kindly been admitted entry to. I now fully and with the utmost remorse admit that this was a grevious slander against both Stevie and Marina, who had in truth most kindly invited me to their most splendid and traditional Japanese house on a previous occasion prior to the aforementioned visit to Yoo's abode.

I wish to most humble beg the forgiveness of any persons who were distressed or otherwise affected by this wicked act on my part, which I will not pretend for one second was merely a slip of my most pathetic memory, instead of the dastardly act which it truly was.

By the way, Japanese music is not actually all bad, it's just that I'm to embarrassed to admit listening to most of it...

Here's another random song that gets played all the time (and took me literally 2 months to find the name of- thanks Yuuko):


  1. You're a good writer, you make me laugh :P I'm gonna update my blog now, you've inspired me ^_^

  2. get over urself stop bein so pretencious, much love

  3. Sean I think you might have ever so slightly missed the point...
