Thursday 21 April 2011

続きも来るで!There will be a Sequel!


It's been a while, but I remember I said last time: "If all my dreams come true and I'm really lucky and get the JET CIR position"... well, I did!!!!!!!

Can't really say how over the moon I am about this (and also the great relief of actually having a job post graduation now!). This is something I've really wanted and worked very hard for, so I'm really really glad that I got it.

So, on the 30th of July I will be on my way to Heathrow airport once again to catch a flight to Tokyo! I don't yet know where I'll be sent to after that, but at the moment I'm just really too happy just to be going back to Japan (More rice and noodles!!!!!!!) to give that one much thought.